Lambda Expression
Lambda expression provide implementation of functional interface (interface that has only one abstract method). it's treated as function .
interface Button2{
public void onclick(String name, int i1);
interface Button1 {
public void onClick();
interface Button3 {
public void onClick(String name);
without lambda expression
public class Program2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// witout lambda expression
Button1 b1 = new Button1(){
public void onClick() {
System.out.println("button1 onclick implementation");
b1.onClick(); //button1 onclick implementation
Lambda expression Examples
public class Program2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* using lambda expression
no parameter passed */
Button1 b2 = ()-> {
System.out.println("button1 onclick implementation using lambda");
/* passing multiple parameter */
Button2 b3 = (name, i1) ->{
b3.onclick("button clicked", 1); // button clicked
/* paranthessis can be omitted if have only one argument */
Button3 b4 = name ->{
/* for each example */
ArrayList<String> team = new ArrayList<>();
team.forEach(t -> System.out.println(t));